Her face doesn't scream "restraining order" at all~!
Pocket sized Geno
Dahlia represents that impulsive lunatic that must shower there victim with love. Probably the only one who can turn a blind eye to Geno's destructive schemes- Dahlia would be his gurl if she would just stop breakin into his room at night to watch him sleep.
Well that tale "Geno is Mine" begins today! I finished up the first panel earlier (LATE, however you wanna look at it, I don't sleep) today. I'm shooting for trying to do a colored animatic, using illustrations so we'll see how that road goes! Either way, it feels good to get the first drawing out. :) I'm feeling the momentum!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Hey 2012...GTFO! 2013...come onnnnn in baybeh. *preps the champagne* HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!